SPDIF Receivers


CS 8414 24 Bit Output Special Adapter

This adapter replaces CS 8412 Digital Input Receiver with the newer, 96 kHz compatible CS 8414. It is not a simple SOIC to DIP adapter - it was developed to complement our Digital Filter upgrades for Parasound D / A Converters and includes various necessary enhancements, such as Rising Edge BCK (Bit Clock) output and buffered MCK (Master Clock) output. Reset circuit, required for CS 8414 configuration at start-up (as recommended by Crystal), is provided as well. Output wordlenght is fixed to 24 Bits, Left Justified, Format O. Analog Power Supply decoupled with Black Gate NX Hi-Q Series Capacitor.

Adapter also could be used in other equipment if the Digital Filter IC following it supports 24 Bit, Left Justified input and at 96 kHz if Digital Filter and D / A Converter IC's can operate at 24 MHz Master Clock.


Upgrade for Yamaha YM3623 Digital Receiver

This unique adapter replaces the 16 Bit limited and relatively jitter prone YM3623 with the 24 / 96 kHz compatible CS 8414. It was developed to complement our Digital Filter upgrades for the first generation of Audio Note D / A Converters. Depending on the surrounding circuitry, might work in other products too.

  • Output wordlenght fixed to 24 Bits, I2S
  • Includes Onboard Reset
  • Analog Power Supply decoupled with Black Gate NX Hi-Q Series Capacitor


CS 8414 SOIC to DIP Adapter Board

This adapter replaces CS 8412 Digital Input Receiver with the newer, 96 kHz compatible CS 8414. Could be used in all DAC's incorporating CS 8412 to permit 96 kHz operation. Perfect solution for prototyping work and D.I.Y. projects.

  • Pin for pin replacement
Type Description Price (€)
CS-14-24 CS 8414 24 Bit / 96 kHz Special Adapter 79,-
YM-14-24 24 Bit / 96 kHz Upgrade for YM3623 79,-
DIP-CS8414 CS 8414 SOIC to DIP Adapter Board 29,-